Sat 07 October, 2pm (45 mins).
Funny and engaging, Pelat blurs the lines between circus, dance and theatre and between the show and everyone watching. Every performance is different because of the way Joan Catala interacts with his audience.
His unique performance is based on his study of the body, movement, people’s behaviour, the skill of the performer and awareness of traditions. Every show is different as Joan creates each new performance with the audience.
What is Pelat?
PELAT is the performer’s use of silence, expectation, strength, tension, and participation.
PELAT is a form of poetry using the language of the body.
PELAT is about making something new, about the movement of the body and about working together to change the world for the better..
PELAT is about taking a difficult and sometimes daring approach.
Above all, it is an original performance combining dance, theatre and circus.
About the Company
Joan Català Carrasco was born in Barcelona in 1978. He is especially interested in performances in which the body and/or objects are the primary way of communicating with an audience..
From 1999 to 2005 he worked for different circus schools such as Carampa in Madrid, Rogelio Rivel en Barcelona and the Escuela Nacional de Circo en Moscou, where he specialised in perfecting the use of body lifts and acrobatic balance in performance.
He also trained in contemporary dance, physical theatre and clowning with different professionals such as María Muñoz y Pep Ramis(Malpelo), Michel Dellaire, IñakiAzpillaga, Àngels Margarit, Thomas Hauert, David Zambrano, among others.
Since 2005 he has performed in different theatres and festival around the world with companies such as: Daraomai, Circus Klezmer, the 2Play and Cia and Mudances-Àngels Margarit.
In 2012 he started to develop its own approach to making performances focused on street and urban landscapes. The result was the show Pelat, premiered at Fira Tàrrega 2013.